Open source
At Bedrock we strongly believe in open source. We push our team members to publish their work and demand the same for our contractors.
We use open source on a daily basis. For production servers or on our workstations. Contributing to open source is a simple and ethical way to give back to all the people contributing too.
Here some projects open sourced:
- Coke is a Shell/Bash command using PHP Code Sniffer allowing rules management per project
- Babitch and BabitchClient is a project to record foosball scores, archive them, and make them easily accessible
- GitHubEnterpriseArchive allows to archive and graph your GithubEnterprise timeline
- GitHubTeamReviewer is a monitoring tool that allows you to quickly view all Github pull requests of your teams and their statuses
- HttpToGelf is a node.js http to gelf logger
- HttpToStatsd is a node.js http to statsd logger
- JenkinsLight is a build monitoring tool (buildwall) that allows you to quickly detect failing projects for Jenkins
- JenkinsTerminalColors is a very lightweight Chrome extension that provides terminal colors in all console panels of Jenkins. It uses black Solarized theme
- SeyrenLight is an other monitoring tool (buildwall) that allow to quickly show failing Seyren checks
- VigoJS is a (small) Javascript tool using CasperJS and PhantomJS to make easily functional tests on web applications
- BedrockStreaming/pr-size-labeler is a configurable Github action that dynamically adds size labels to Pull Requests based on the size of the diff and the number of modified files.
- BedrockStreaming/prescaling-exporter is a prometheus exporter which allows applications to be staggered over time or an event with a multiplier.
Bundle and libs
- AmqpBundle: The AmqpBundle incorporates messaging in your application using the php-amqp extension.
- ApiExceptionBundle: The ApiExceptionBundle manages exceptions for your API and return a clean json.
- AwsBundle: AWS SDK as a Symfony2 service, with WSClientBundle functionnality (cache, logging, …)
- behat-seo-extension: Behat extension provinding specific features for testing the SEO of a website
- DaemonBundle Bundle easing the creation of daemon sf2 commands
- DomainUserBundle: User authentication by domain
- ElasticsearchBundle: Integration of the Elasticsearch official PHP client within a Symfony Project
- Firewall and FireWallBundle: Symfony2 bundle providing IP filtering features for your Symfony 2 applications
- FOSRestExtraBundle: Extra features for the FOSRestBundle
- GuzzleHttpBundle: Bundle on top of HttpGuzzle
- HttpKernelBundle: Custom sf2 HttpKernel with additional events
- KafkaBundle: Bundle on top of rdkafka PHP extension
- LogBridgeBundle: Symfony Bundle to log Request/Response with Monolog.
- MonologExtraBundle: Provide extra features for Monolog.
- RateLimitBundle: This bundle provides an easy way to protect your project by limiting access to your controllers.
- Redis: PHP component used to access Redis throught predis
- RedisBundle: Bundle over Redis component
- RedisMessageBroker: PHP Component to deal with message in Redis
- RedisMock: A simple PHP Redis mock
- RequestHeadersForwarderGuzzleBundle: Fetch HTTP headers from current request and reuse them in Guzzle clients sub-requests.
- roboxt: PHP lib parsing a robots.txt
- sprintf-mock: sprintf-js plugin allowing to mock sprintf behaviour
- StatsdBundle: Symfony2 Bundle easing the statsd usage
- superagent-mock: superagent plugin allowing to simulate HTTP calls
- Tornado: A library for asynchronous programming in Php
- websocket-bench: Nodejs cli tool for benchmark web socket server, currently support (, faye)
- XRequestUidBundle: Generating call traces in the microservices hell
- RateLimitBundle: Manage limitation for your routes
Contribution to open source projects
Throught GitHub we participated to the improvement (we hope so) of many open source projects:
- actions-runner-controller/actions-runner-controller: #1237
- apache/superset: #20567 - #20883 - #20931 - #21536
- atoum/atoum: #200 - #210
- atoum/AtoumBundle: #16 - #27 - #34 - #35 - #44 - #47 - #48 - #52 - #53 - #56
- Checkmarx/kics: #5036 - #4984 - #4839
- composer/composer: #2434 - #2446 - #2482
- composer/satis: #101 - #60
- Dash-Industry-Forum/dash.js: #2866
- doctrine/DoctrineBundle: #159
- elastic/elasticsearch-php: #149 - #506 - #507
- FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle: #1110
- google/shaka-player: #1962 - #2034 - #2750 - #2855 - #3276 - #3301 - #3358 - #3399 - #3754 - #3776 - #4461 - #5149
- grafana/grafana: #974
- guzzle/guzzle3: #38
- haya14busa/action-bumpr: #29
- JetBrains/svg-sprite-loader: #396
- liip/LiipImagineBundle: #274
- Lusitaniae/phpfpm_exporter: #15
- macbre/phantomas: #166
- naderman/composer-aws: #4 - #5
- nelmio/NelmioApiDocBundle: #157 - #253 - #256 - #258 - #277
- nelmio/NelmioCorsBundle: #67 - #72
- n1k0/casperjs: #605
- PolishSymfonyCommunity/Symfony2MockerExtension: #9
- renovatebot/renovate: #15432
- reviewdog/action-tfsec: #26
- sensiolabs/SensioFrameworkExtraBundle: #260
- sindresorhus/globals: #21
- symfony/symfony-docs: #4300
- variantdev/chartify: #17
- Versent/saml2aws: #272
- video-dev/hls.js: #1907 - #2606 - #4474
- vuejs/vue-router: #2411
- vuejs/vuex: #1412
- webpack/webpack: #5862
- webonyx/graphql-php: #631
- willdurand/BazingaHateoasBundle: #9